Last week, I hooked up with a longtime friend, and we got talking about life and all that has been going on since the last time we saw each other. As we spoke, I suggested we get into a nearby bar where we could gist over a bottle of beer.

“I don't drink alcohol again,” her reply hit me like a bullet. As if realising how surprised I was, she began to tell me all the disadvantages of alcohol she knew. Well, I already know most of these things.

While we mostly pick on the disadvantages of drinking, we often fail to realize it has advantages, too. Our discussion prompted me to do some research, and guess what? I found out so many exciting benefits of drinking alcohol (as long as you do it in moderation).

ALSO READ: Here are some sweet benefits of sipping alcohol before meals

So alcohol lovers - brace yourself because I'm about to give you a long list of benefits of drinking. But wait, before you start petitioning to replace the office water cooler with a beer keg, you should know that alcohol is only healthy when taken in small amounts.

So this is not a pass for you to go about opening every bottle and drinking every beer you see. That clear - let's jump right into the benefits.

ALSO READ: Alcohol has no health benefit for people under 40 years, study reveals

While it is true that alcohol is very beneficial, it boils down to being able to balance the benefits with its risks. Remember that moderation is key, and if you have any history of disease or health issues that can be escalated by alcohol consumption, you better stay entirely away from it.