Last week, on my way back from a midweek service, I hit my left leg on a stone just before the junction to my house.

As I bent down to softly rub the spot, my mind whispered, "Something bad is about to happen!” “Says who?” I replied loudly. Then I began to wonder where these ideas come from and how come people believe them so much.

Do superstitions work for you? If you hit your left leg on a stone, does it automatically translate to something bad coming? What if it's because you got carried away in a conversation and forgot about the stone?

Nigerians have a weird way of interpreting things. But whether these superstitions work or not, is a talk for another day. Notwithstanding, let's review 10 funny Nigerian superstitions that will have you thinking twice.

ALSO READ: 10 pretty interesting superstitions about Nigerian foods

ALSO READ: Popular myths about Nigerian foods we heard while growing up

Tell us what you think about these superstitions. Do you believe them? Have they worked for you before? I'll be waiting to hear your thoughts in the comment section.