Love can make us colorblind—turning glaring red flags into harmless beige, only to leave us heartbroken in the end.

Self preservation should push you to spot red flags early and walk away, saving yourself from weeping every 2 business days over someone who was never worth it in the first place.

ALSO READ: How to spot red flags in a partner who might betray your trust

Some signs are impossible to miss—that’s why they’re called red flags. You can’t overlook the color red, can you?

Here are some of the most common warning signs to watch for:

Overly Controlling Behavior

ALSO READ: 7 red flags in women that men must not ignore

Physical, Mental, or Emotional Abuse

Substance Abuse


Conflict Avoidance

Love Bombing

Social Isolation

Narcissistic Behavior

If you spot these warning signs early, grab your slippers and run—because how many heartbreaks can one heart take? Love may be patient, but your heart isn’t a punching bag.

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