The actor appeared as a guest on the recent episode of her ‘The Toyosi’ podcast and during the sit-down, he asked her, "Do you trust me 100 percent after seven years of marriage?”
After pondering the question, the businesswoman responded, 'No,' stressing that while she believes he will always keep his vows, she also understands that life can be unpredictable at times.
She explained, “Do I trust you a hundred percent? No, but I trust that you will always keep me in the loop. Maybe not 'keep me in the loop. I’ve spent these years with you, I know you to a large extent and I’m getting to know you better.I think that you will do your absolute best to honour your vows and honour what we have. But I’m also aware that, I don’t want to say anything can happen, but things happen more or less. And I feel like if anything ever happens, I would know.”