Dhanashri Mandhani, CEO of agri-tech platform Salam Kisan, on Wednesday said her startup has signed an MoU with Maharashtra government for expanding its drone manufacturing capacity. We are going to be expanding our drone manufacturing facility, going from 6,000 drones to 40,000 drones (per annum), she told ANI from Davos. At Salam Kisan we are democratizing data-driven agriculture for farmers and we are currently working with 300,000 farmers, she said. This MOU with the Maharashtra government is in collaboration and support with Microsoft, who is Salam Kisans technology partner. She said her intention is to bring more and more women, marginal communities, forward to have an added source of income, by the way of drone as a business and drone as a service, and also increase productivity and profitability for farmers. Founded in 2022, Salam Kisans facility is based in Jalna in Marathwada, Maharashtra. The facility is 20,000 square feet in size. The total capacity capacity at present is 6,000 drones per annum. India is promoting usage of dron extensively, with particular focus on women.