In the ongoing war of words between Aam Aadmi Party and the Bharatiya Janata Party, the latters spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla has criticized the Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia for likening himself to Lakshman and the former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kerjiwal to Lord Shri Ram.It is unfortunate that a person who indulged in the liquor scam compares himself to Prabhu Shri Ram, Lakshman and Shaheed Bhagat Singh. Arvind Kejriwal promised that he would never join hands with the Congress, but what happened later on? The greed for power was so much so that the AAP was even eager to contest the Haryana elections together with the Congress. Such a person who cant stand by his words should not be compared to Shri Ram, Poonawalla said while speaking to ANI.Sisodia on Sunday intensified his criticism of the BJP, accusing them of attempting to create a rift between him and Arvind Kejriwal.I used to tell them that you are trying to separate Lakshman from Rama. I warned the BJP not to separate Lakshman from Rama. No Ravana can ever break that bond. They tried hard to break me and the party. I told them its a 26-year-long friendship, and I cannot betray my friend, my political mentor, and my brother, Arvind Kejriwal, Sisodia said.Sisodia further added, The BJP made many attempts to divide us. They would say, You dont know, but Arvind Kejriwal has implicated you, to which I replied that he implicated me 26 years ago, and since then, I have worked with him. They even falsely claimed in court that Kejriwal had blamed me, and on the same day, they approached me, saying that Kejriwal had named me, urging me to implicate him in return. They promised I would be spared if I did. I always smiled at their claims. When we have done nothing wrong, why would we accuse each other?