A few days before its launch, the updated Bajaj Pulsar RS200 has been leaked. The leaked video reveals that this bike will get a new tail light as well as the colour LCD dash that first debuted on the Pulsar NS400Z.
Well, not a lot. This update to the Bajaj Pulsar RS200 seems to be a minor one with just a few new features and seemingly no mechanical changes. The big visual difference is the new tail lamp design, which now uses two separate pods on each side. Each pod combines the indicator and tail lamp into one unit, similar to some BMW and Harley-Davidson models.
The other change is the new colour LCD display, which seems to be lifted off the Pulsar NS400Z. This dash is capable of being connected to your smartphone for things like call and notification alerts as well as turn-by-turn navigation. And since the NS400Z as well as smaller Pulsar models have started coming with riding modes, we could see the same on the updated RS200 as well.
Expect new colours to be bundled in with this update and the rest of the bike to be more or less the same mechanically. The Pulsar RS200 has been on sale in its current avatar for nearly a decade now, with the only changes being complying with the stricter emission norms and new colours, despite which it continues to have a cult following and registers respectable sales numbers every month. The current Pulsar RS200 is listed at Rs 1.74 lakh (ex-showroom, Delhi) and we could see a small upward increment in price when this facelifted bike launches.