Udupi: The registration deadline for the global online Bhagavad Gita quiz competition, organized under the ambitious “Koti Geeta Lekhana Yajna” initiative of the Parayaya Sri Puthige Math Seer Sri Sugunendra Tirtha Swamiji, is set for January 20.
The quiz is open to participants of all ages and will be conducted in Kannada and English. Participants will receive digital certificates upon completion.
The competition has two categories: Category A for participants below 18 years of age and Category B for participants above 18 years.
The prize structure includes:
Registrations can be done through the link https://sriputhige.org/bruhat-geetotsava/. Group registrations from schools and educational institutions are free.
The quiz provides an excellent opportunity to read and learn the Bhagavad Gita easily and effectively. Participants can also win attractive prizes, stated Prasannacharya, the International Secretary of Sri Puthige Math, in a press release.