Chief Minister Siddaramaiah announced plans to establish government medical colleges in all districts of Karnataka, including Mangaluru and Udupi. Speaking at the foundation stone-laying ceremony of the Mangaluru Regional Center of the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS) at Mary Hill on Friday, he emphasized the importance of accessible medical education.

“I had envisioned government medical colleges and super-specialty hospitals in every district during my tenure as Finance Minister, but it wasn’t feasible then. Mangaluru and Udupi are hubs for education and healthcare, with numerous private hospitals ensuring quality medical services. This has delayed the establishment of a government medical college here. However, plans are underway to start one soon. Increasing government colleges will enable underprivileged students to pursue careers in medicine and contribute to society,” said the Chief Minister.

Highlighting the need for inclusive healthcare, Siddaramaiah directed institutions like the Nephrology Institute and Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences to provide free treatment to all Below Poverty Line (BPL) cardholders. For Above Poverty Line (APL) cardholders, fees will be determined based on affordability. “New diseases are emerging, causing immense hardship for the poor. It is imperative to ensure they receive treatment without financial burden,” he added.

The new RGUHS Regional Center, constructed at a cost of ₹49 crores, aims to address the needs of students, lecturers, and administrators in the coastal and Malnad regions. “Currently, people from these areas must travel to Bengaluru to resolve their issues. This center will offer solutions locally, equipped with a state-of-the-art skills and simulation lab. It will cater to districts such as Kodagu, Dakshina Kannada, Udupi, Uttara Kannada, and Chikkamagaluru,” Siddaramaiah stated.

Speaker U.T. Khader stressed the importance of combining intelligence with humanity and fraternity to build the nation’s future. Medical Education Minister Dr. Sharan Prakash Rudrappa Patil remarked that Karnataka and Tamil Nadu have the highest number of medical colleges in the country. “The government is committed to providing more opportunities for students in the state,” he assured.

MLA Dr. Bharath Shetty expressed confidence that the well-equipped regional center will create numerous opportunities for students.

Reiterating the government’s commitment, Siddaramaiah urged government hospital doctors to prioritize the health needs of rural and underprivileged populations. “While wealthy individuals can afford private hospitals, it is the responsibility of government doctors to safeguard the health of the poor. Quality healthcare with empathy should be the hallmark of our public health system,” he remarked.

The event was attended by several dignitaries, including District In-charge Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao, MP K. Brijesh Chowta, MLAs Ashok Kumar Rai and Dr. Bharath Shetty, and MLCs Ivan D’Souza and Manjunath Bhandari.