In the Bhagavad Gita (1-21), Arjuna says:

“Sēnayoḥ ubhayōḥ madhyē rathaṁ sthāpaya mē’chyuta”
(Place my chariot between the two armies, O Achyuta).

Instead of saying, “Place my chariot in front of my army,” Arjuna specifically asks for it to be placed between the two armies. He wanted to see everyone.

Arjuna’s desire was to observe those in Duryodhana’s army. Here, we see traces of arrogance in Arjuna’s mindset. In battle, there are two types of engagement – fighting against selected opponents or fighting against all who stand against you. Arjuna wanted to see who had the courage to fight him, indicating his pride in his strength. Arjuna is a symbol of Indra, and Indra represents wealth and power. This pride arose from his association with these traits.

Arjuna asked for the chariot to be placed between the two armies, not specifically in front of Bhishma and Drona. Lord Krishna, understanding that Arjuna would experience sorrow only if placed in front of Bhishma and Drona, deliberately positioned the chariot before them to break Arjuna’s ego. Arjuna’s pride was shattered in that very moment.


~ Sri Sugunendra Theertha Swamiji of Paryaya Sri Puthige Sri Krishna Matha

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