Sullia: The police have traced and safely returned an 18-year-old girl from Kollamogru, Sullia, who had gone missing after leaving for Bengaluru from Subrahmanya.

The girl, who had informed her family on August 23 that she was traveling to Bengaluru before heading to Poland for further studies, sent a WhatsApp message on August 26 stating she had arrived in Poland. However, on August 28, a relative discovered she had not traveled to Poland.

A bus conductor confirmed seeing her on a Subrahmanya-Bengaluru bus, prompting her family to contact her.

When they were unable to reach her, and her friends had no information, the family filed a missing person report at the Upparpet Police Station in Bengaluru on August 29. Following an investigation, the police located her in Bengaluru. Further details have not been revealed.