Dear Aries, it is going to be a busy week wherein you will handle multiple responsibilities. You will feel like going crazy with your ideas. Remember to intermittently take a breather and collaborate with others. You may have to juggle your finances wisely. Some of you may get a new work opportunity, especially, through your social circle or friends. On the personal front, this could be a slightly challenging period as you may swing between moods and emotions. It may take you a while to zero down on your feelings. Take time to wait, contemplate, process and react.
Dear Taurus, this could prove to be an emotionally challenging week. You are advised to lean onto your logical and practical side. Do not ignore the clarity that comes from objective thinking. Be brave and honest with yourself. Put a plan together and embrace change. Ask yourself if you need to cut out anything that is draining your energy. Your real success will come from thinking about putting your long-term finances in order. Some of you may decide to invest (time and energy) in a love relationship or actually invest your money with a partner. It is a favourable period to create a solid vision for a financially or overall stable future, with a partner or loved one.
Dear Gemini, this week you are urged to keep your emotional burden down. Really see things for what they are. Take a break or breather to bring a fresh perspective. Dig deep to get to the bottom of your situation. Some of you may have put your own self-care on hold to accommodate others. You are asked to focus on your well-being. Spend a little money on yourself to feel good, especially on your appearance. Your confidence will rise with external love and care. You are going to attract more material abundance and are advised to invest wisely. Capitalise on the money coming your way.
Dear Cancerians, this week brings change and uncertainty. A personal issue will reach resolution or conclusion. You will be able to move towards calmer waters and healing. Your inner balance will start to revive and you will see an overall improvement in your emotional self. Try to make a peace offering to those who attempt to bring drama. Avoid handling excess responsibilities and tasks. It is a good time to find a new hobby or passion. There is material abundance coming into your life soon and you must focus on attracting more wealth. You will be able to watch yourself grow steadily.
Dear Leo, this week brings healing and calming energy. Those who have been facing health issues may be able to diagnose their condition. You are urged to cut out things from your life that are not good for your well-being. Go easy on high-intensity activities. Rest, relaxation, decluttering and introspection are advised. Some of you may travel to a place that offers a retreat from your usual tasks. You may decide to invest in a new financial opportunity or explore new sources of income/jobs. Gather more information before rushing into financial commitments.
Dear Virgo, this could prove to be an emotionally challenging week. You may ruminate and overthink every small detail. It will be tough to look on the bright side. Your decision-making ability and vision will seem to be blocked. You may feel like ‘nothing seems settled or sure’. Try to cool down your emotions and ask for help from others, if required. Exchange help and ideas. Some of you may obsess or worry over financial details. There could be some money owed to you or you may wait on a payout. You are asked to have a little faith and be accepting of the uncertainties that life throws at you.
Dear Libra, this week shall bring better emotional resilience, inner-strength, healing and contentment. You can expect a positive change in your overall well-being. It is time to end a tough chapter and release the blocks in your path. Some of you are going to be offered a new financial opportunity which will make you feel excited. Few of you may think of travelling, going on a retreat, especially to engage in an interesting activity or hobby. A makeover, especially, haircut and hair colour change are in the cards. Avoid taking on other people’s burdens. Focus on yourself, for the time being.
Dear Scorpio, this week you are going to be more sensitive and emotional than usual. You may have to face an authority figure or a person who may feel like they can control your life. Disagreements and arguments are indicated. It is ok to stand your ground and safeguard your self-respect. Release all the negativity. Avoid consuming food or content that creates unrest. Some of you are going to feel a little bored and will look for new ways to keep busy or find excitement. Few of you may carry out religious practices during this period.
Dear Sagittarius, this week you are urged to make practical choices. Put your logical and thinking cap on. Be assertive and objective in your approach. Your intuition and instincts are going to be strong. Overall, your perspective on things may shift a little. You may start aligning your finances and putting your life in order. Some of you may deal with lawyers or legal matters. Work shall be busy. You are advised to learn new skills and keep a beginner’s mindset, in your career. Travel for work is indicated. In your personal life, you may deal with children and young adults. You will crave a little fun and excitement. A personal issue could come to a conclusion.
Dear Capricorn, this week you are going to be more emotional and sensitive than usual. Your intuition shall be heightened. You may have to be conscious about balancing your logical and emotional side. Leave the past and focus on creating a vision for your future. Invite big and happy changes with open arms. If you have to make a few detours, so be it. Embrace energies that bring peace. Matters of love and romance shall be on your mind. Those in existing connections may need to make up their mind about the way forward and this may not be an easy task. Singles could meet someone special.
Dear Aquarius, this week you may have an epiphany pertaining to your finances. You may have to figure out your capacity to spend vs save. Ask yourself, ‘What is the lifestyle that I wish to maintain, going forward?’. Be honest and real with yourself. There is a new beginning entering into your life which will feel like a breath of fresh air. Beware of your temper and the possibilities of arguments. Avoid getting impatient. Think and reflect before going ahead full steam. Some of you may invest in a home/property or initiate changes in your residence.
Dear Pisces, this week shall be about making choices and leaving behind old patterns. Money shall be on your mind. There is a brand new financial beginning coming your way, with the potential to bring much abundance. It is a good time to think about investments and wealth creation. In your personal life, make sure that you communicate your expectations and intentions clearly. Draw boundaries and make time for self-love. Avoid following your loved ones blindly into something. Look at the long term picture and see what fits into it and what doesn’t.
Deck- White Sage Tarot