Palliative care is a condition wherein people generally have no recourse or resolve to their ailments and diseases. Yet, with hope and faith, palliative care perseveres to try and maintain vitality, increase immunity and life force to human beings. In such conditions, sometimes, very gentle, movement therapy, breath therapy and meditation would work to sustain life and to extend it. 

Movement and mobility bring about the diaphragmatic movement. This improves muscle function during exercises and prevents from straining.

And this should be done on a progressive graph, week after week, fortnight after fortnight, month after month. There must be improvement in strength, stability, co-ordination, endurance, resilience, tenacity of every such subject. 

A focused attention should be on heart and lung functions – improving hearts vital capacity through various constitutions specific and customized breathing techniques and improving the condition of the heart to sustain life and add longevity and stability. What else could add value to this? – that would be Nutrition. 

First, let’s see how cosmic nutrition can help us. 

Lots of sunshine and lots of fresh air, lots of meditation, gentle massages and other therapies like laughter, singing and dancing helps uplift the mood and brings cheer and happiness.

Certainly, sunshine helps with bone health, muscle health, vitality, enthusiasm to life and living, creativity, upping the emotional feel-good hormones like – serotonin. Exposure to sunlight, increases the release of serotonin which is associated with boosting mood and helping a person feel calm and focused.

Fresh air – Going outside and being in fresh air helps oxygen levels to go up and releases endorphins and this can improve mood and uplift spirits.

Touch through gentle massages, hugs, giving attention to the loved one, music, helps release happy hormone like oxytocin. This increases metabolic rate, reducing stress on the heart, relaxing the mind, soothing the mind, soothing the nervous system, and increasing circulation throughout the body, improving sleep, improving calming, soothing, which in turn helps convalescence, recovery, and rejuvenation of cellular functions. However, the therapy that would work the best, is the Food therapy. 

Hippocrates said, ‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food’. He acknowledges the importance of healthy eating and how the nutrients in various foods have healing properties. It is the single most important thing you can control when it comes to your health. 

Healthy and wholesome food nourishes the mind, body and soul. You therefore, attain good life, health and wellness.

This can be attained better with the use of plant-based foods. VEGETARIANISM and VEGANISM is the ideal way to great health and well-being.

The more sattvik and balanced our meals are, the calmer and more composed, will be our mind.  Eat vegetables and fresh fruits, whole grains, millets, nuts and seeds and legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils). 

Both fruits and vegetables are a great source and contain many phytochemicals. 

All of these are super vital foods and can be classified as Food for Gods. 

Needless to say that “Food for gods” adds value to your vision, inner strengths make you intuitive and intelligent, and can make you a leader of sorts.

Vegetables cleanse you; FRUITS heal you; NUTS, SEEDS AND DRY FRUITS fortify you; and HERBS regulate you.

Satisfying the taste buds by balancing and completing all six Ayurveda tastes – sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent and astringent. These tastes will fulfil your senses and satiate you. They will also nourish your aura and nourish your persona.

Nutrition must be seasonal and regional. It must be clean and green. Your kitchen can become your pharmacy as well. 

So All this together, kind of Care with compassion can bring about cellular regeneration, which in turn gives vitality, immunity, purity, stability, improved digestion and quick elimination of it all, with smoother and easier digestion, would add a lot of value. This will bring about longevity. 

Palliative care Specialized, Convalescence Naturalized, Nutrition Optimized, Mankind Mickeymized!

(Dr Mickey Mehta is a global leading holistic health guru and life coach; website: