Karnataka SSLC Hall Tickets 2025: The admit cards for the Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC) exams have been released by the Karnataka School Examination and Assessment Board (KSEAB). Schools can start downloading the hall tickets for their class 10th students from the official website of KSEB at kseeb.karnataka.gov.in. The admit cards will be available under the school login.

The admit cards will be delivered to schools around a week before the exams. Students can get their hard printouts from their individual schools. Students must bring their admit cards to the examination center, as they will not allowed to sit in the exam.

Karnataka SSLC Admit Cards 2025: Instructions for School

Schools have till March 17, 5 p.m., to review and modify student information, since the board will not be accepting modifications beyond this time. Principals shall be held liable for any errors or disruptions in the confirmation procedure. Furthermore, schools must confirm that the number of uploaded admit cards corresponds to the total number of enrolled students. Schools are expected to report lost admit cards to the board right away, accompanied by supporting paperwork.

A fee of Rs. 100 per correction will be charged for any errors in student details, while a fee of Rs. 500 will be applicable for changes in the medium of instruction.

The board has underlined the need to confirm particular modifications for students with impairments, as well as validate other important student information. Any errors in images, signatures, or other information must be corrected and sent to the board by the deadline. If repairs are not made on time, principals will be considered responsible for any inaccuracies found on students' mark sheets.

Read the official notice here

Karnataka SSLC Admit Cards 2025: How to download the hall tickets?

Step 1: Visit the official website of KSEB at kseab.karnataka.gov.in.

Step 2: Click on the 'Admit Card' link and then select the 'SSLC Examination 2025 Hall Ticket' option.

Step 3: Now, enter the necessary information such as the Registration number and password, and then submit.

Step 4: Download the Karnataka SSLC Hall Tickets 2025 and take a printout of the same for further reference.

Direct link to download the Karnataka SSLC Admit Cards 2025

Karnataka SSLC Board Exams 2025: Timetable

According to the official timetable, the SSLC examination is all set to begin on March 20, 2025, with the first language subject and will be concluded on April 4, 2025, with Third language and NSQF subjects.

Click here to view the full timetable