CUET PG Exam 2025: The Common University Admission Test-Postgraduate (CUET-PG 2025) admit cards are now out by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on the official website of NTA CUET PG at Candidates are informed that these admit cards are only available for the students who are going to sit in the exams scheduled from March 13 to 20 in the computer-based mode.

To download the admit cards, aspirants need to enter their application form number and date of birth. Once the hall tickets are in applicants' hands, they are advised to read all the instructions carefully.

According to the official notice, the hall tickets for the rest of the exams will be available later on the same official website. The NTA has also uploaded the advanced Intimation of Examination City for CUET (PG) 2025.

How to download the CUET PG 2025 admit card?

To download the CUET PG 2025 admit card, aspirants need to follow the mentioned below steps:

Step 1: Visit the official website of NTA at

Step 2: On the homepage, click on the "CUET (PG) - 2025: Click Here to Download Admit Card" link.

Step 3: After this, enter the login details such as application number and date of birth

Step 4: Now, submit the details after carefully reviewing them.

Step 5: Download the CUET PG admit card and take a printout of the same for further reference.

Direct link to download the admit card

CUET PG Exam 2025: Important guidelines

As per the official notice, aspirants are advised to note the following instructions:

• The Admit Card is distributed provisionally to applicants who meet the eligibility requirements.

• The admit card will not be issued by mail.

• The applicant should not mutilate the hall ticket or change any of the entries on it.

• The issuance of an admit card does not guarantee qualification, which will be verified further during the admission process.

• Applicants are encouraged to keep a copy of their admit card in excellent condition for future reference.

Read the official notice here