Mumbai: In a major relief to students, job seekers, and aspiring candidates for local body elections, the state revenue department has appointed 29 additional district collectors as chairmen of caste verification committees; these posts had been lying vacant for years.

They will oversee the speedy processing of caste verification cases for OBC, Vimukta Jati, and Nomadic Tribes categories, which had been stalled for years.

In a bid to make his revenue department more efficient and transparent, state minister Chandrashekhar Bawankule has also appointed 60 officials as additional district collectors, who had been awaiting placement despite receiving promotions years ago.

These appointments are expected to accelerate administrative processes and improve public services. Bawankule said, “The revenue department is the backbone of the state’s administration, handling land, agriculture, roads, and even student caste verifications. It reflects the face of society, and that’s why we are striving to make it faster and more transparent.”