According to me, Happiness, in a Spiritual perspective, should be spelt with 3 Ps instead of the traditional spelling with 2 Ps. The 3 Ps in the word ‘Happiness’ represent the three peaks of Happiness in an ascending order. The first P represents Pleasure. This is the lowest peak of Happiness, which is usually experienced with success, wealth, people, relationships and material achievements in life. Pleasure is ephemeral, temporary and fleeting. So, when an individual takes pleasure to be the ultimate form of Happiness, he is bound to suffer and up in pain and sorrow. The second P represents the second peak of Happiness – Peace. Peace comes with the feeling of contentment and fulfillment. When one is content with his life, he experiences immense peace and calm. Peace is the foundation of True Everlasting Happiness. The third and the ultimate peak of Happiness is represented by the third P – Purpose. When one realizes the answers to, ‘Who am I? What am I doing on this earth? Why did I take this human birth?’ they realize their purpose. They realize the ultimate truth in a state of Consciousness. In this state of Truth Consciousness, they experience the eternal and everlasting bliss or Unending Happiness. This Happiness is pure and is called SatChitAnanda. This is the lasting Spiritual Happiness that people talk about.

How can one attain this lasting Spiritual Happiness? To attain this, one must attain Enlightenment - the Realization of the Truth. The ultimate truth is simple, yet deep and profound. Many people know it and understand it but only a handful realize this truth and live it. The ultimate truth is – ‘We are not this body, mind and ego. We are the Soul. The Soul is a Spark Of Unique Life, which is a part of the SIP, the Supreme Immortal Power that we all call, God. Every living creature is a Soul and is thus, a God particle. Therefore, we all are God particles – a manifestation of the Supreme Immortal Power.’

In the state of Consciousness, Enlightenment and Realization of the Truth, one also realizes that they have taken a birth on this earth due to the Law of Karma. Law of Karma is also called the Law of Cause and Effect, which works on the principle, ‘As you sow, so shall you reap.’ One realizes that whatever is happening in life, good or bad, is an effect of some past cause or past deeds. The Realization of the Truth makes one accept the truth and surrender to the Divine will.

How are acceptance and surrender, the key to lasting happiness? Surrender to the Divine will and acceptance of everything in life as a result of past Karma or actions are acts of faith in the Supreme Power or God. Complete surrender keeps an individual, steady in Consciousness. Acceptance and absolute surrender to the Divine will leads an individual to a state of peace and contentment, which is a strong foundation of lasting Happiness. One accepts the circumstances, even if they are the worst, and instead of complaining, whining and losing peace, they surrender themselves to the Divine with a motivation to do good actions, so that the situation is not worsened. Therefore, with faith in the Divine and accepting and surrendering, one may face adverse situations but they will not suffer or experience pain. They will not be disturbed or complain about their situation or even try to play the blame game. They will be in peace and contentment and wait for the storm to pass and the Karma to be redeemed. Eventually, they will experience true Spiritual Everlasting Happiness in the form of SatChitAnanda – Eternal and Everlasting Bliss, Spiritual Happiness in the Consciousness of the Truth.

(AiR – Atman in Ravi: Happiness Ambassador, Author, Spiritual Mentor and Philanthropist)