Due to the stringent restrictions imposed by the Reserve Bank on the New India Co-operative Bank (NICB) from February 14, the depositors of the bank are facing numerous difficulties. For the next six months, no depositor will be able to withdraw even a single rupee from their account. It has been announced that depositors will be refunded up to Rs 5 lakh in May. However, the Reserve Bank is silent on what happens to deposits over and above Rs 5 lakh.

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On-line Survey of New India Coop Bank Depositors by Mumbai Grahak Panchayat

In this regard, Mumbai Grahak Panchayat ( MGP) is conducting an On-line Survey of New India Bank depositors. The link to the on-line survey is provided below.

All activists are requested to spread this message and link as much as possible, so that based on the response received, Mumbai Grahak Panchayat can decide the course of action for the future struggle.