Elon Reeve Musk was born on June 28, 1971 at 7.30 am (as per the birth data available) at Pretoria, South Africa.

In early 2024 when USA went for election campaigns, Musk became a vocal and financial supporter of Donald Trump. In July 2024, when there was an attempted assassination of Donald Trump, Musk endorsed him for President. During the presidential campaign, Musk joined Trump on stage at a campaign rally, and during the campaign promoted conspiracy theories and falsehoods about Democrats, election fraud and immigration, in support of Trump. Musk was Trump's largest individual 2024 presidential campaign donor and largest individual donor of the 2024 election. Having won the election, Trump announced that Musk would run a new Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), to provide "advice and guidance" to the President.

The Ascendant rising is Gemini at 20 degrees in the star of Punarvasu, whose lord Jupiter is placed in the 6th house in the sign Scorpio aspected by Saturn (lord of 8th and the 9th house) from the 12th house and also by Venus from the sign Taurus. Saturn’s 8th and the Venus’s 12th house have also given him many failures. To list a few of his failures in drop in value of twitter after its acquisition and also critical about his management style in twitter. He faced several production delays in his Tesla. In SpaceX, there was failure of Falcon I and it went into near bankruptcy. However, there have been many successes to his credit too.

Now, when we peep into his current period, his period from the early 2024 has been excellent with the dasa running of Rahu/Venus from November 2023 till November 2026. Based on the dasa in operation, the period is going to be remarkable for him. When we look at the transits of slow-moving planets like Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Jupiter, the period is going to be mixed one. However, he will outperform from the current levels. The transit Jupiter will transit the sign Gemini May 15, 2025 and stay in Gemini for a period of approx. one year.

This period the transit Jupiter will activate the Ascendant lord Mercury which is in the nakshatra of Jupiter. This is the period when his public image will be on the rise and he will also acquire more businesses. The Rahu/Ketu will transit the signs Aquarius and Leo respectively on May 30, 2025. It will stay in these signs for a period of 18 months. This period the transit Rahu will activate the Sun in the Sign Gemini which is in the nakshatra of Rahu and transit Ketu will impact the natal Moon in the sign Leo.

The Sun being the lord of the 3rd house and Moon also being in the 3rd house signifying his businesses related to communications, social media like Twitter, SpaceX, etc will face setbacks. His “AI” initiative will face severe criticism. He will face financial setbacks as the transit Ketu will negatively impact the natal Moon the lord of the 2nd house signifying wealth. He will also face some health issues during this period with respect to the abdomen and neck, shoulders, arms areas.

Similarly, the transit Saturn will transit the sign Pisces on March 30, 2025 and reside there for 2.5 years. This Saturn (being the lord of 8th and the 9th house) will impact the natal planets Saturn and Venus in the sign Taurus and also the Jupiter which is in the nakshatra of Anuradha ruled by Saturn. This period will be of mixed one of both business growths as well as setbacks. During this period his political equations with Donald Trump will face setbacks.

(Views expressed here are solely of the columnist and the publication does not necessarily subscribe to the same)