In a shocking incident in Pune, a man died during treatment after he was attacked with a koyta (machete) by four minors near Ashish Garden in Kothrud, officials said on Friday. The incident occurred on Thursday, and the deceased has been identified as Rahul Jadhav, a resident of Bhor, they added.

According to the police, Jadhav worked as a supervisor of cleaning staff in Pune. One of the accused had doubts about him regarding an immoral relationship with his mother. Due to this suspicion, the main accused, along with his friends, planned to murder him.

At around 5pm, Jadhav came to Sagar Colony, where all four minor accused stopped him. They carried sharp weapons. They attacked him brutally with the weapons, leading to severe blood loss, and during treatment, he lost his life, the police said.

As per the police, all four of the accused reside in the same colony. Jadhav knew the main accused well and usually kept coming to his home.

Vikram Kadam, Police Inspector (Crime), Kothrud Police Station, speaking to The Free Press Journal, said, "All accused have been detained and sent to the juvenile rehabilitation centre. The matter is under investigation. A case has been registered under Section 101(3) of Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita in Kothrud Police Station."