Team India's batting star Virat Kohli was seen making some hilarious gestures by looking at the crowd during the Ranji Trophy game for Delhi against the Railways at the Arun Jaitley Stadium. In a video surfaced on social media, the former Indian captain was requesting the crowd to make noise and the massive number of spectators responded well to it.

With the 36-year-old struggling in the previous series against Australia, evidenced by an average of 23.75 across five Tests, it has forced him to return to domestic cricket. A section of fans have reportedly been waiting outside the stadium since 3:00 am to watch the batting maestro in action. However, media reports have also emerged that a stampede like situation took place outside the Arun Jaitley Stadium amid the chaos to watch Kohli in action.

Kohli last appeared in a Ranji Trophy match in the 2012 edition when Delhi locked horns against Uttar Pradesh. The classy right-hander had scored 14 and 43 but Uttar Pradesh prevailed. The massive occasion also ensured that CRPF personnel were present at the venue to ensure that the proceedings go smoothly.

Virat Kohli to warm up for Champions Trophy 2025 with ODI series against England

Meanwhile, the right-handed batter will gear for the upcoming edition of the Champions Trophy with the three-game ODI series against England, beginning on February 6 in Nagpur. Kohli, who finished as the highest run-getter in the 2023 World Cup, will hope to replicate his heroics in the Champions Trophy, which will take place in the 50-over format.

The Men in Blue will open their campaign against Bangladesh on February 20 in Dubai. The 50-over series against England will be his first appearance for India since the tour of Australia.