Raipur: The National School of Drama (NSD) is going to organize six days the “Bharat Rang Mahotsav-2025” at Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya Khairagarh from February 4 to February 9. NSD Alumnus Bollywood actor Rajpal Yadav will be present in the event as theatre fest ambassador.

The festival, also known as ‘Bharangam’, is also considered one of the world's largest theater festivals. The festival will be inaugurated by Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya Khairagarh in the evening around 6 pm on February, 2025 with the play ‘Nar Nari alias Thanku Baba Lochandas’ at Dr. Narendra Dev Verma Auditorium in Khairagarh, informed an official release. The theme of the event for the year is "One Expression, Highest Creation".

Renowned actor and NSD alumnus Rajpal Yadav has been named 'Rang Doot' (Festival Ambassador) for this year. This year Bharangam will also have a theater with different communities like sex workers, transgenders, senior citizens, children etc.

Meanwhile, Director of the NSD Chittaranjan Tripathi told the media that “Bharat Rang Mahotsav with its comprehensive approach has become an exemplary theater festival on the global stage.

The festival is being held over a period of 20 days from January 28 to February 16. It will have more than 200 unique productions from nine different countries apart from India, which will be showcased at 11 locations in India and two locations - Kathmandu and Colombo.

International theatre groups from Russia, Italy, Germany, Norway, Czech Republic, Nepal, Taiwan, Spain and Sri Lanka will participate in the mega event. Apart from the Delhi centre, the Mahotsav has Indian sub-venues including Agartala, Ahmedabad, Bathinda, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Goa, Gorakhpur, Jaipur and Ranchi.