In a shocking incident near Ambernath, a trailer driver under the influence of alcohol created widespread chaos on Thursday afternoon. Driving recklessly in the wrong direction on the Badalpur Pipeline Road, the driver first hit a vehicle at Nevalkar Naka and then proceeded to collide with multiple vehicles along the route, including those at Palegaon, Ambernath Anandnagar Police Chowki, Vaibhav Hotel Chowk, and Sudama Hotel Chowk.
The drunk driver struck cars, motorcycles, and rickshaws, even hitting a police vehicle. According to reports, the accused driver also assaulted a motorcyclist with a rod.
The visuals of the incident have surfaced online, showing the driver moving the vehicle forward and backward, hitting the stranded vehicles on the road. Angered by the driver's actions, some people picked up stones from the road and pelted them at the driver, while others recorded the truck colliding with the other vehicles.
Police and rickshaw drivers pursued the trailer, eventually forcing the driver to lose control in the Anandnagar MIDC area, where he overturned the vehicle.
Fortunately, no fatalities were reported, though several vehicle drivers and pedestrians were injured. According to reports, over 50 vehicles were damaged during the driver's destructive rampage. Immediately after the incident, police arrested the driver and have launched an investigation into the matter.