Actor Shaan Mishra, who is currently a part of the television show, Jai Maa Laxmi, got into an ugly spat with the producer of the show, which later escalated and resulted in fisticuffs. On Thursday, Shaan filed a complaint with the police against the producer for assaulting him.

According to a report in Telly Talk, Shaan had requested the producer Mangesh to let him wrap up his shoot early due to a hand injury. Despite doctor advising him not to shoot, the actor turned up on the sets so that the telecast of the episodes would not affected.

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However, when Shaan decided to wrap up the shoot, the producer denied his request despite agreeing to it earlier, and this led to a heated argument between the actor and the Mangesh. Mangesh's wife also jumped in and in a video shared by Telly Talk, she can be seen yelling at Shaan and asking him to finish his work.

"Jo karna hai kar. Kaam karke jaane ka. Tu mujhe kya dikhayega...Roz idhar aakar khel ke jaata hai," she can be heard saying.

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The argument turned ugly when Mangesh tried to stop Shaan from recording the fight, and while doing so, he reportedly hit the actor. The report also stated that the producer grabbed him by the neck and his wife too assaulted her.

Shaan then filed a complaint at the Malvani police station and when the cops reached the sets of Jai Maa Laxmi, they could not get hold of anyone as the set was all packed up and locked.

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Shaan is yet to issue an official statement about the entire fiasco.

For those unversed, Shaan plays the role of Lord Vishnu in Jai Maa Laxmi. He has also been a part of shows like Imlie, Maati Se Bandhi Dor and Sindoor Ki Keemat, among others.