The Maharashtra School Education Department has commenced the second phase of teacher recruitment for government and aided schools. The process, delayed due to the recent state assembly elections, will include 10% of posts reserved from the first phase. A review of available vacant seats will be taken after which a final number of available posts for recruitment will be declared.

Local governing bodies and private educational institutions have been instructed by the state to list the number of vacant positions on the Pavitra portal – a centralised tech-based platform that facilitates the publication of advertisements for vacant posts and allows qualified candidates to apply.

School Education MinisterDadaji Bhuse, while speaking to the press recently, stated, “First, the advertisement of posts and verification of enrollment will be conducted. This process will help determine the precise number of vacancies. Candidates with pending appointments from the previous phase will be prioritised, followed by the recruitment of new teachers for the remaining positions.”

In February 2023, the department launched the first phase of recruitment drive to fill 21,678 teacher vacancies out of which 19,986 eligible candidates were recommended for appointment. However, 10% of the posts were withheld due to disqualified or absent candidates.

The second phase, along with new vacancies, will address these withheld positions left unfilled due to disqualification, absenteeism, or non-joining in the first phase.