Bhopal/Bhind (Madhya Pradesh): A grade-3 clerk was suspended with immediate effect after a purported video of him thrashing a woman went viral. The incident took place on Monday at the tehsildar's office in Madhya Pradesh's Bhind district. The employee was posted in the revenue department.

The 52-year-old woman filed an FIR on Monday evening at the Gohad police station in the district. After the FIR, a report was sent to the SDM who in turn suspended the accused.

According to information, the accussed, identified as Naval Kishore Gaud, was posted as an assistant grade 3 clerk in the revenue department at the tehsildar office in Bhind district. According to the FIR, the 52-year-old victim and her husband reached the Tehsildar office on Monday to get their land registered. The woman alleged that she had been visiting the office for the past six months to get the procedure done.

When the woman complained to the accused about the same, he allegedly refused to do the work. Moreover, he abused the woman, kicked her, and thrashed her with shoes. Following the incident, the woman reached the police station and filed an FIR. An investigation was conducted after which the accused clerk was suspended with immediate effect.