Koogle Kuttappa is a science fiction comedy film featuring KS Ravikumar as Subramani Gounder, Losliya Mariyanesan as Tharani, and Tharshan Thiyagarajah as Aadhi, among others. The film is a remake of the 2019 Malayalam film Android Kunjappan Version 5.25. Koogle Kuttappa was released in theatres on May 6, 2022. The film is streaming on OTT.
Where to watch Koogle Kuttappa?
The film is streaming on Aha and JioCinema. It is directed and written by Gurusaravanan-Sabari.
The plot of the film is set in a small town near Coimbatore. It centres around a stubborn old man who loses his wife and becomes lonely. He wants his son to stay with him during this difficult time and asks him to decline any job offers he receives. However, things take an intense turn when Aadhi refuses to accept this condition and insists on going to Germany after receiving a job offer from a robotics firm. While in Germany, Aadhi gets a call from his cousin Babu, informing him that his father is ill. What happens when Aadhi decides to bring a robot home for his father?
Cast and production of Koogle Kuttappa
The cast of the film includes KS Ravikumar as Subramani Gounder, Losliya Mariyanesan as Tharani, Tharshan Thiyagarajah as Aadhi, Ilambarathi and Bommi as Koogle Kuttappa, Pavitra Lokesh as Pavithra, Yogi Babu as Babu, Poovaiyar as Babu's friend, Manobala as doctor, G Marimuthu as Municipal officer, among others.
It is produced by KS Ravikumar and D Vijaykumaran under the banner of RK Celluloids, and Kallal Global Entertainment.