Mumbai: In the Saif Ali Khan stabbing case, after arresting the accused, the Bandra police face another challenge which is collecting strong evidence, establishing the identity of the assailant, Mohd Shariful Islam (30), as a foreign national, and building a robust case that will hold up in court. In India, no prior cases have been registered against him, and he does not have any bank accounts in the country.

The police have found around 20 fingerprints in the penthouse of Saif , which they will match with the accused's fingerprints. They plan to recreate the crime scene at the actor's residence after he is discharged from the hospital. Currently, the police are collecting evidence and working to establish the accused’s identity to ensure they face no obstacles in court.

A police officer stated, "We have collected fingerprints from the actor's residence and taken the accused's fingerprints, which have been sent to the forensic department. We will recreate the crime scene with caution, specially as a small child (Jeh) is involved. These are standard procedures that must be followed after every crime."

The police have pooh poohed reports in a section of the media which said they zeroed in on the accused after he used G Pay to buy paratha and water. They said he had no bank account and hence there is no question of him using GPay. The police got his mobile number from his earlier employer Pandey and tracked him to Thane.

Another officer from the crime branch mentioned that the accused might have committed minor thefts in Mumbai or other parts of India, but no cases have been registered against him. The officer added, "The manner in which he carried out this crime—climbing the staircase barefoot and bringing his own weapon—suggests he has committed similar offences in Bangladesh."

The Bandra police have made significant progress in the investigation, recovering crucial evidence linked to the accused. Items seized include the clothes worn during the crime, a shirt captured on CCTV, a mobile phone, and earphones purchased from a shop in Dadar. According to police sources, his clothes have been sent for forensic analysis to bolster the case with scientific evidence.

When apprehended, Shariful Islam had no identification documents. However, using a contact number from his phone, the police traced his parents in Bangladesh, who confirmed his identity. They revealed that Shariful, a former school-level athlete, had completed up to the 12th grade in Bangladesh.

The accused, a native of Jhalokati in Bangladesh, had been residing in Mumbai for over five months, doing odd jobs and was associated with a housekeeping agency. Using advanced technology, the police identified his photograph from CCTV footage and tracked him to a motorcycle at a road crossing in suburban Andheri on January 9.

The investigation gained momentum when the police traced the motorcycle and then the motorcyclist Pandey the accused's former employer. This lead helped the police obtain the suspect's phone number, which they placed under surveillance.

According to sources, Shariful Islam allegedly attacked actor Saif Ali Khan since he desperately needed Rs 60,000 to be given to an agent for a job in Saudi Arabia.

About 15 to 20 days before the attack, allegedly committed theft at a pub in Worli, leading to his dismissal from his job. Afterward, he began conducting reconnaissance in Bandra's upscale celebrity neighborhoods, targeting high-profile residences.

Shariful Islam allegedly entered into Khan’s residence through a bathroom in the room of his younger son, Jeh (Jahangir) and during scuffle he attacked on Saif Ali Khan with a knife. One portion of the knife stuck near the spinal cord of Khan.