Television actor Yogesh Mahajan, who was currently playing a key role in the show Shiv Shakti - Tap Tyag Tandav, was found dead in his apartment on the outskirts of Mumbai on January 19 . He reportedly died of a cardiac arrest and his body was found after crew members of his show broke into his house in Umergaon.

According to reports, Yogesh failed to show up on the sets of his show, which left the crew members worried. They then tried reaching out to him, but upon getting no response, they visited his Umergaon house. They broke the door and entered his house after he did not respond to their knocks, and were shocked to find him lying unconscious.

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Yogesh was rushed to the hospital by the crew, but he was declared dead.

Yogesh's family issued an official statement sharing the news of his sudden demise with their friends and well-wishers. "It is with profound grief we would like to inform you about the sudden and untimely demise of our beloved Yogesh Mahajan. He left for his heavenly abode due to cardiac arrest, on 19th Jan 2025 (sic)," the statement read.

It further mentioned, "This unexpected loss has come as a devastating shock to the entire family, friends, and well-wishers."