The Mumbai Police identified a 30-year-old man named Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad as the accused in the Saif Ali Khan stabbing case and arrested him in Thane on Sunday. As the visuals from the arrest surfaced on social media, netizens claimed the arrested man didn't resemble the attacker who broke into the actor's Bandra apartment and stabbed him.
Netizens compared the visuals of Shehzad from his arrest with that of the attacker, as recorded in the CCTV camera of the actor's residence. They pointed out that the two visuals showed different persons. Posting both photos adjacent to each other on X, users alleged Mumbai Police arrested not the attacker but someone else in the Saif Ali Khan stabbing case.
Check a few reactions below
"Not the same guy"
Many X posts suggested that the man arrested by the city police was "Not the same guy" as seen in the CCTV camera on Thursday.
"Mumbai police is confused! They are not the same person. There's no resemblance at all", a netizen named Riyaz wrote.
"Even a child can say both are different and not the same guy... One in CCTV and one who got arrested nowhere similar", said another user named Qayed.
CCTV video from Saif Ali Khan's residence
Hours after the attack on Saif Ali Khan, a CCTV footage capturing an intruder walking through the staircases of the actor's apartment in Bandra, Mumbai surfaced online. The footage recorded the face of the man who entered to allegedly commit robbery but stabbed the actor multiple times. The video was captured with a timestamp of around 2.30 AM on Thursday.
More details about the stabbing case
Mohammad Shahzad was arrested by the Mumbai Police and taken to the Bandra court on Sunday. However, netizens claim the cops have nabbed the wrong person who has no resemblance with the attacker captured on CCTV camera.
After attack on Saif Ali Khan, he underwent multiple surgeries. In a report recent by Money Control, Kareena Kapoor's cousin and actor Zahan Kapoor was quoted claiming that Saif was doing fine and his health is safe now.