A reported incident of Bengaluru Police asking a Spanish tourist to speak in Kannada when burglars had broken into his place has hit national headlines for last few days. The incident, reported by major news outlets in India, led to quite a buzz on social media as people discussed sensitive topics like regional identities, linguistic pride and more. But Bengaluru Police have now denied that the Spanish tourist was asked to speak in Kannada on the emergency helpline 112, if a report in Hindustan Times is to be believed.
Hindustan Times reported on Sunday (January 19) that Bengaluru Police have denied that they asked the Spaniard to speak in Kannada. At the time of publishing of this story, the news article on HT website did not contain a direct quote from Bengaluru Police.
Times Now has reported that Bengaluru Police outright denied that Jesus Abrielle, the Spanish tourist, called the helpline when the burglary was taking place at 2 am on Wednesday (January 15). The police reportedly claimed that the calls were made in the morning, several hours after the actual incident.
Oneindia however, quoted Jesus Abrielle's landlord Sudeep S who said that there indeed was communication barrier.
"He heard the noise [and immediately dialled helpline 112. But he didn't get assistance due to the communication problem. The call attendant asked him to speak in Kannada and later disconnected the line," he said as quoted by Oneindia.
What Media Reported Earlier About The Incident
The Times Of India, along with other major news outlets of the country, reported that Jesus Gabrielle, a Spanish tourists in his 30s heard burgalars breaking into the house he had rented in Bengaluru's Richmond Town. As the burglars looted things, Abrielle called police helpline from his bedroom which presumably was locked from inside.
The news report goes on to say that as Abrielle tried to explain the situation in Spanish and broken English, the person answering the call asked him to 'speak in Kannada' and ended the call.
The Spaniard called the landlord in the morning and contacted the police again.
A case has reportedly been registered under Section 305 (theft) and Section 331 (house tresspass) of the BNS.