Aries: Judgement
Dear Aries, this week brings insights into your finances and financial stability. Your intuition and inner-guidance shall be helpful. It is time to think about your next leap of faith. How can you take the next step and grow from your current position? Especially your current financial position. Evaluate multiple options that are at your disposal. Use logical and practical reasoning when making decisions. Dig deep and investigate. Be wary of expending your energy on being of service to others.
Taurus: The Hanged Man
Dear Taurus, you are asked to be more discerning about the responsibilities you are willing to handle or you may end up having a very busy week. Some of you may find it difficult to multitask or feel lost/confused. You are advised to cut down on unnecessary noise and clutter around you. Know your worth and only invest in activities which are beneficial for your growth. Think about your long-term success, instead of chasing minor goals. Accept help from others. Pay close attention to your health and make it an important priority.
Gemini: Four of Cups
Dear Gemini, indecision could create a stalemate like situation. You may have been waiting for this ‘in-between’ phase to come to an end. Have more faith in divine timing. Do not seek perfection. Pay close attention to intuitive messages and signs. You will have a tendency to leap into emotional commitments or chase anything that brings a rush of emotions/attraction. Beware of those who try to influence you using emotional tactics. Ask pertinent questions before trusting others. Listen closely to your intuition. Some of you are asked to wait before going for any physical or cosmetic transformations, including hairstyle/colour.
Cancer: Six of Pentacles
Dear Cancerians, you are advised to focus on achieving balance and a sense of calmness in your life. Avoid unnecessary activities, responsibilities and overworking. Some of you may need to recover from fatigue or a health condition. Take care of your own needs first and pay attention to whatever is already on your plate. You will soon get the answers that you are seeking and be blessed with more clarity. Till then surrender some of the details to God/Universe/Divine. Explore options and activities that bring a sense of peace and serenity. Some of you are advised to travel and spend time away from your current location.
Leo: Queen of Cups
Dear Leo, this week you are going to be more emotional than usual. You will think a lot about your personal ties and get somewhat nostalgic. Aim for peaceful resolutions. Allow your relationships to change and evolve, even if it means that some of them will no longer be a part of your life. You will not be alone. In your career, stay open to new opportunities and keep a growth oriented approach. Explore new options, build skills that can help you move ahead, and show your talent to the world. Pay special attention to your health and the quality of food you consume.
Virgo: Knight of Wands
Dear Virgo, this week you are going to be full of energy, enthusiasm, zest and creative spark. You may gain recognition and attention. You will get bored of waiting around to pick and choose. Those who have been scared of making mistakes will now relax a little and move forward. You will feel the need to take a leap of faith and head towards fresh new beginnings. Keep aside your need for validation, especially from your community. Pay attention to signs and synchronicities. Beware of your spending habits and avoid offering financial help without proper due diligence.
Libra: Five of Swords
Dear Libra, this week you are going to be in the mood to win no matter what. This attitude could make you a little competitive and ruthless. Teamwork could prove to be challenging. Beware of power struggles and temper issues. Avoid saying things which could have troubling aftereffects. Find the right medium to release your rage or frustration. Take a few moments to wait, breathe, think and then act. Focus on the positives and what is working in your favour. Make choices that could have a positive impact on your finances.
Scorpio: Eight of Swords
Dear Scorpio, you seem to have grown bored or tired of waiting. This week you may rebel against restrictions or things that have been holding you back. Your sense of self-worth and confidence will be awakened. You are now ready for an energetic recharge. Part of it will make you stand up and fight for what you feel is right. You will not accept shoddy treatment and will demand straight forward answers. Do not allow your emotions to run too high. Avoid exposing your plans and ideas. Clear out the clutter from your surroundings. You are advised to be more assertive when dealing with your friends and loved ones.
Sagittarius: Temperance
Dear Sagittarius, this week shall be about impactful choices and decision-making. Some of you may have been ruminating for too long. Focus on activities that can bring peace, harmony and balance in the long run. You can start by being more decisive and removing a fear based perspective. Stay true to your optimistic Sagittarius nature. Be confident and bold. Empower yourself by listening to your inner-self, follow your gut and creative spirit. Set your sights on bigger and better goals. Ask for help from others, if required. Do not let your pride get in the way.
Capricorn: Ten of Wands
Dear Capricorn, this week you are asked to shed your responsibilities. It is time to free yourself a little, travel, indulge, meet people, and enjoy. You could celebrate a happy occasion with your loved ones. Stay receptive to the exchange of love and affection. Walk towards your healing. Leave stale situations and allow some fresh energy to enter into your life. Keep a beginner’s mindset. Some of you may start questioning an existing romantic connection. You may offer financial support to someone. Few of you may donate to a religious, spiritual or charitable cause.
Aquarius: The Devil
Dear Aquarius, it is time to steadily fight back your demons and unhealthy habits. You will have better insight into your own situation during this period. There shall be some changes in your environment. Try not to indulge or interfere in other people’s drama. Take a step back to preserve your own peace of mind. Stay rooted and grounded to your own truth. Find sanctuary in places that bring peace. Some of you will be inspired to take a leap of faith and make decisions. You will be successful in closing an important chapter in your home and family life. Focus on your own growth.
Pisces: The High Priestess
Dear Pisces, you are going to be blessed with insight into your hidden inner-world, intuition and spirituality. It is time to prioritise rest, healing, yoga, meditation, reflection, and take a step back from regular activities. Pay attention to signs and synchronicities. Watch your seeds grow, quietly. Some of you will have to collaborate with others. Only expend as much energy as required for seamless teamwork. Avoid engaging in unnecessary conversations and keep a tab on your speech. Do not disclose more information than necessary.