Mumbai, January 19: In a deeply disturbing incident, a video has surfaced on Instagram showing a man attempting to hang a puppy with a rope, mimicking an execution. This cruel act has triggered widespread outrage on social media and among animal rights activists, who are demanding immediate action against the perpetrator.

The shocking video, which has gone viral, shows the man intentionally traumatizing the helpless animal only for few likes and comments on social media. Such acts of cruelty are not only morally unacceptable but also a violation of animal protection laws. The man is seen trying to hang the puppy, however, he leaves the puppy after hanging it for a very short time. The man performed the cruel act only to become famous on the internet.

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Public Reaction

Animal lovers and the social media users alike have condemned the act, with many calling for stringent action to ensure justice for the innocent puppy. Social media platforms have been flooded with calls to identify and hold the perpetrator accountable.

The video was shared by an animal lover saying, "Important Reminder:...... Animal Abuse is Never Okay...... It is deeply disturbing to see videos circulating online where animals, especially puppies, are being intentionally harassed or traumatized for entertainment."

"The idea that a puppy should suffer or be scared for the sake of making a video is not just cruel—it’s unacceptable."

"No animal should ever be subjected to stress, fear, or harm for someone’s enjoyment or online attention. If you or someone you know has any information about the individual responsible for this cruel behavior, we urge you to come forward and report it to local authorities."

"If you have any details on this case or similar incidents, please contact the authorities or your local animal protection group. Let’s hold those responsible accountable and help put an end to this kind of abuse."

How to Report Animal Abuse

If you have any information about this case or other incidents of animal cruelty, you are urged to take the following steps:

Contact your local police or animal welfare group.

Provide any evidence, such as videos or photos, to aid the investigation.

Spread awareness about the importance of protecting animals from harm.

This heartbreaking incident serves as a grim reminder of the cruelty animals often face at the hands of humans. It highlights the urgent need for stricter enforcement of animal protection laws and greater public awareness about the importance of treating all living beings with kindness and respect.

The public is encouraged to remain vigilant and report any instances of animal abuse they may encounter.

Protecting animals is not just a legal duty — it’s a moral one. Together, we can work towards a world where such acts of cruelty are a thing of the past.