Mumbai’s orthopaedic surgeon, Kartik Karkera emerged third in the men’s category of Tata Mumbai Half Marathon with a timing of 1:07:20 on Sunday. The 28-year-old doctor wasn’t far behind race winner and record maker Sawan Barwal (1:04:37) and runner-up Harmanjot Singh (1:06:03).

It was a brilliant result and timing for an athlete who was competing in the Tata Mumbai Marathon for the first time.“It was my first race in Mumbai. I had no expectations from the race and wanted to finish with a good timing but getting a result here was pleasing. I am happy to finish on the podium,” said Karkera who pushed himself against the odds, braving the heat and humidity towards the end of the race.

The Borivali resident who practices at Dr. Vasant Rao Pawar Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre was exposed to running nine years ago during his medical studies. Handling fractures and other sports injuries he goes curious to feel the pain of the patients and test the treatment on himself. What started as an experiment turned into lifetime experience.

“I was exposed to racing nine years ago while doing my studies and research. I started enjoying running and realised recovery after surgery or running is important. Whatever treatment I recommend to the patients, I wanted to apply on myself and that’s how it started and I also started winning medals which motivated me to run on.

I like running and find enough time to train in Nashik,” said Karkare who has trained with long distance runner coach Vijender Singh and benefited from Kavita Raut Academy in Nashik.

The Mumbai doctor had two experienced athletes infront who were running together and complementing each other. “Weather got humid after we crossed 16 kms it was difficult near the bridge.

We were running together and tried to push after our bodies got settled to the weather conditions,” Barwal, who broke the old course record, said. However, it wasn’t the personal best of Barwal who had finished even better in the Delhi Half Marathon with a timing of 1.02.46.

Karkera inspired himself all alone from the start near Mahim Reti Bunder to the finish line in South Mumbai, covering 21.097 km. Unlike other races, Half marathoners were blessed with an early start at 5 am and had cooler conditions compared to the Full Marathon runners.