World Snow Day, celebrated annually on the third Sunday of January, is an event organised by the International Ski Federation (FIS) as part of its “Bring Children to the Snow” campaign. The day aims to promote outdoor snow activities and encourage a love for snow sports among children and families. It also highlights the importance of snow-covered regions and their ecological value. Know more about World Snow Day, which is mentioned below.
What is World Snow Day?
World Snow Day is celebrated in numerous countries around the world with the aim of promoting winter sports and snow activities. The day also aims to encourage people to enjoy outdoor activities in the snowy environment. The day aims to introduce children to the joys of snow and inspire future generations of snow sports enthusiasts.
It also raises awareness about the ecological importance of snow and the impact of climate change on snowy landscapes. It also encourages sustainable practices to protect fragile environments.
By highlighting the joy and significance of snow activities, World Snow Day continues to foster appreciation for winter environments and snow-related traditions.
History of World Snow Day
World Snow Day is an initiative of the International Ski Federation (FIS) which started in 2007. The event was established to encourage children and families worldwide to engage in snow-related activities, foster a love for snow sports, and raise awareness about the importance of winter landscapes. Since its inception, World Snow Day has grown steadily, with participation from ski resorts, schools, and organisations worldwide.