A 39-year-old man from Bhiwandi, allegedly under the influence of alcohol, has been accused of killing a one-month-old stray cat. The accused, identified as Uddhav Shivaji Manjare, a 39-year-old driver by profession, lived with his family in the Charni Pada area of Bhiwandi, which falls under the jurisdiction of the Narpoli police station.
The incident occurred near the Hanuman temple in the Charni Pada area of Bhiwandi at around 1:30 PM on January 17. The case was filed by Shivaji Manjare, the father of the accused, who reported that Uddhav frequently quarreled with family members.
Sources revealed that Shivaji, an animal activist known for his love of animals, learned that his son had caught a stray cat, thrown it to the ground, and killed it. Despite being his father, Shivaji did not hesitate to report Uddhav’s actions to the police.
The Narpoli police registered a case against Uddhav under Section 325 of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita and Sections 11(1)(A) and 11(L) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act.
Ajit Gunjal, a constable from the Narpoli police station, stated, "We took the injured stray cat to a veterinary hospital in Parel, where the doctor declared it dead on arrival. The final rites of the cat were conducted after performing the post-mortem. Further investigation is underway."