After attacking actor Saif Ali Khan, the accused reached Bandra station. From there, he took a train to Dadar and got off at platform number 1 at Dadar West station. He stopped to buy headphones from a shop named Iqra, which led to the suspicion that he is still in Mumbai, the source said.

About The Case

According to sources, after leaving Dadar station, the accused went to Kabutar Khana through the corridor in front of Suvidha. The Mumbai Police obtained CCTV footage from the railways last night to trace the accused.

Meanwhile, After the attack on actor Saif Ali Khan, more than 30 teams of the Mumbai Police are conducting investigations from different angles. Today, the Crime Branch team has entered the bungalow area adjacent to Saif Ali Khan's building to investigate whether the accused entered Saif's building by scaling the wall of the neighboring bungalow.

The Crime Branch team inspected Saif Ali Khan's Sadguru Sharan building today. They then visited Petfina, a neighboring bungalow, and conducted an inspection there. After that, they inspected the building next to Petfina, called Next Square Avenue.

Additionally, the Crime Branch officials inspected several other nearby buildings. It is understood that the Crime Branch is investigating how and from where the accused entered Saif Ali Khan's building.