Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is currently recovering at Lilavati Hospital in Bandra, Mumbai after undergoing emergency surgery for being stabbed six times by an intruder at his home in the early hours of Thursday. Now, an insurance claim, that has been leaked online reveals that the family requested a cashless pre-authorisation of Rs 35,98,700 for treatment, out of which Rs 2,500,000 has been approved by the insurance provider, Niva Bupa.
There is no official confirmation on whether this leaked document has been verified by the hospital authorities. The document shows that the insurance company had approved the claim on Thursday evening. According to the leaked photo, Saif is expected to be discharged from the hospital on January 21, 2025.
Check out the leaked photo:
Saif is treated in a suite at Lilavati Hospital for "injury in unspecified body region."
Confirming the same, Niva Bupa Health Insurance, commented on Saif's attack and told Mint: "The recent unfortunate incident with actor Saif Ali Khan is deeply concerning. We wish him a speedy and safe recovery. Mr. Khan is one of our policy holders. A cashless pre-authorisation request was sent to us upon his hospitalisation and we have given an approval of an initial amount to start the treatment. Once we receive the final bills post the complete treatment, it will be settled as per policy terms and conditions. We stand with Mr. Khan and his family in this distressing time."
Recently, Kareena Kapoor Khan recorded her statement with the Bandra, regarding her husband's attack. The actress revealed that as soon as the attack took place, she sent the children Taimur, and Jeh, along with the domestic help to the 12th floor to keep them safe.
Calling the attacker 'very aggressive,' Kareena shared that the attacker did not steal anything from their house. The actress said that the attacker repeatedly tried to harm Saif as he intervened to protect younger son, Jeh.
Following the attack, Kareena was shifted to her sister Karisma Kapoor's house. "After the attack, I was terrified, so Karisma took me to her house," she said.