New Delhi: The Delhi Police on Saturday halted the screening of a documentary on the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). The AAP scheduled the screening of the documentary, 'Unbreakable', for the media personnel. It focuses on AAP leaders who were jailed in alleged corruption cases. The Arvind Kejriwal-led party accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of using the Delhi Police to stop the screening.
Kejriwal said that the screening was stopped by the Delhi Police as the BJP was scared of this film. "A film has been made on Aam Aadmi Party. Today, when this film was to be shown to journalists, look there, BJP prevented the screening of this film by deploying a huge police force. BJP is very scared of this film," the AAP national convenor said in an X post in Hindi.
"Why? Why does the BJP want to stop this film? What is there in this film that the BJP is scared of? This film exposes all the secrets behind the scenes when AAP leaders were wrongly arrested. It exposes the illegal and unconstitutional actions of the BJP government," he added.
Kejriwal's Tweet:
However, the Delhi Police denied these allegations. The Delhi Police said that "no permission" was taken for the screening of the documentary. The police emphasised that the political parties have to apply for permission for such events through a single window system at the District Election Officer's (DEO) office, It further added that such permission could not be granted or rejected by the police at this time.
The force urged the political parties to follow the election rules and regulations at the time of the election.
"For the said event, no such permission was taken and hence it would have been a violation of guidelines. We urge all parties to follow the election rules and regulations at this time. As elections have been declared, political parties have to apply for permission through a single window system at the DEO office. This is a standard process during elections," the Delhi police said as reported by ANI
"Further, it is clarified that Delhi Police can neither grant nor reject such permission at this time as all permissions for political activity are granted through a single window system in the concerned DEO office," it added.
Notably, the assembly elections in Delhi are scheduled to take place in a single phase on February 8 and on votes will be counted on February 8.
(With inputs from ANI)