A video purportedly showing the man who stabbed actor Saif Ali Khan buying headphones at a shop is being widely shared on social media. As per news agency IANS, the shop named 'Iqra' is located near Kabootarkhana in Dadar. Mumbai Police officials have collected the CCTV footage from the shop. IANS has reported that the accused stopped by the shop after attacking Saif Ali Khan in his Bandra residence.

At the time of publishing of the story, the attacker was not arrested by the police.

Saif Ali Khan was stabbed by the accused on the intervening night of 15 and 16 January. The attacker entered Saif's 11th floor home. As he came across the actor's maid, he demanded money. Saif arrived at the scene after noticing commotion in his house. As he confronted the man, he stabbed Saif several times before escaping.

Here's the video of the attacker at the mobile shop as published by IANS.

Mumbai Police has swung into action and has formed 20 teams to hunt the accused. In their search, the police are also checking if stabbing was handiwork of a known offender. To investigate this angle, police are rounding up and questioning known offenders.

On Friday, actress and Saif's wife Kareena Kapoor Khan recorded her statement with Bandra Police. The statement was recorded a her residence in the evening.

News agency ANI has reported that police have recorded over 30 statements in connection with the stabbing incident.

After Saif was stabbed, his son alongwith his maid rushed him to the Lilavati Hospital where he continues to remain under medical observation.