A shocking event has emerged in Moradabad region in Uttar Pradesh, where a husband was seen clinging to the hood of a car driven by a suspected paramour of his wife, who was inside the vehicle. The video was posted on social media and has been going viral.

The man hung onto the bonnet of a fast-moving Hyundai Aura as he was pulled for kilometres along the bustling road. The footage of the event spread rapidly on social media.

Viral Video

An X user (formerly Twitter) posted the video of a man clinging on to a speeding car's bonnet while the driver is seen driving the car on the road. The video posted by X user (@gharkekalesh) posted the video with the caption that reads 'Man Dragged for Kilometres on Car Bonnet after a Minor Dispute in Moradabad UP'

Later in the video, we can see a fight break out between the driver and the man who was clinging on the bonnet of the car.

What Is Happening?

As per officials, the man, who was clinging on to the bonnet, was trying to stop his wife who was in the vehicle with her lover by clinging to the hood for few kilometres.

A young man halted the car upon noticing the husband clinging to the vehicle and his wife in the car with another man. The lover struck the young man and sped away in the car with the woman. The lover continued to drive the vehicle with the husband clinging to the hood.