Navi Mumbai: The central unit of Navi Mumbai crime branch has nabbed an accused who was wanted in multiple house break thefts in areas around APMC and Airoli areas and recovered half kilo gram gold worth Rs 60 lakh. The accused identified as Asif Nahir Shaikh (41) was traced and arrested from his in-law’s place at Gulberga in Karnataka last week.

“In the months of November and December there were multiple housebreaks being reported in which the accused was seen using a two wheeler which he rode wearing a helmet. Since the modus operandi of all the cases were same, we figured out that the accused would be same. Using cctv footages and technical analysis, we were able to trace the residence of the accused in Mumbra and then we traced him to Gulberga,” Deputy Commissioner of police (crime branch) Amit Kale, said.

The modus of the accused was to roam around at various areas in Airoli, Rabale and Airoli nodes on his bike and would break into any random house that is seen locked. A carpenter by profession, he used the carpenter-tools to break the locks of the houses. The first theft, the accused claimed was done during lockdown.

The police have been able to trace seven cases in Navi Mumbai in which he was involved. Senior police inspector Sunil SHinde of central unit along with his team, had visited Gulberga twice in search of Shaikh.

During the second visit, the team was able to nab the accused and also recover 500 grams of gold ornaments, 3.2 kilograms of silver ornaments, Rs 16 lakh in cash, two motorcycles, three laptops and One iPhone.

Shaikh also has one case registered against him with Gulberga police. A class VII passout, Shaikh resided at Mumbra along with his wife, 15 year old daughter and 19 year old son.