Mumbai: Following complaints from residents and activists regarding the approval for the installation of advertisement hoardings along the Coastal Road, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) has asked the Maharashtra Coastal Zone Management Authority (MCZMA) to examine the case and submit a reply to the ministry.
The MCZMA approved the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC)’s proposal to install hoardings in South Mumbai, near Tata Garden, Amazon Garden, and Lala Lajpatrai Garden, aiming to generate Rs 1 crore per month in revenue. The approval includes conditions such as placing the hoardings on the landward side of the road or existing structures, with the BMC tasked with ensuring compliance.
However, the approval has attracted backlash from climate activists and residents of South Mumbai localities like Breach Candy and Nepean Sea Road. The residents wrote an open letter to Maharashtra Chief Minister and Cabinet Minister Mangal Prabhat Lodha, urging them to revoke the approval.
They also started an online petition urging MoEF&CC to impose a stay on the approval. The petition, which was signed by 925 residents in a day, said, "We Don't Need No Advert Hoardings on Coastal Road..Hey Govt., Leave Us Residents Alone."
On the other hand, activist Godfrey Pimenta of Watchdog Foundation also wrote to the Secretary of MoEF&CC and alleged that the approval is a violation of the condition set up by the ministry which says that the reclaimed land of 90 hectares shall not be utilized for any residential or commercial purposes.
He also added that the said condition explicitly states that the erection of advertisement hoardings constitutes a commercial activity and is, therefore, a blatant breach of the stated condition.
“We urge the Ministry to immediately intervene in this matter and impose a stay on the implementation of the approval granted by MCZMA to prevent further violations of environmental norms. Your prompt action in this regard will ensure compliance with the stipulated environmental conditions and uphold the sanctity of the approval process,” read the letter written by Pimenta.
Taking cognizance of the letter, MoEF&CC has asked the Member Secretary of MCZMA to examine the matter and submit a reply to the complainant as well as the ministry. The ministry has also asked the competent authority to take action if the grievances are valid.
“It is requested to examine the nature and extent of alleged grievance in respect of the above issue and submit a reply to the applicant directly with a copy to this Ministry at an early date. It is also requested that action applicable with law may be taken in the event the grievance is found to be in affirmative,” said the ministry.