Mumbai: Over 2 lakh students from more than 2000 schools of Maharashtra simultaneously appeared in a written exam based on Ramayana and Mahabharata. Apart from Hindu, Muslim and Christian students also participated in the exam held under the initiative of Sanskar Yagya.
Sanskriti Samvardhan Pratishthan, a non-government organisation that aims to inculcate good habits in children, organised its annual exam based on Ramayana and Mahabharata under the initiative Sanskar Yagya. This year around 2 lakh students from more than 2000 schools in different districts of Maharashtra appeared in the written examination on the same day, at the same time.
The initiative saw a participation of students from 1107 schools from Mumbai Konkan province, 157 schools from Western Maharashtra, 377 schools from Vidarbha and 423 schools from Devagiri North Maharashtra. Around 3,000 volunteers participated to facilitate the examination process.
Sanskriti Samvardhan Pratishthan has been running Sanskar Yagya for the last 21 years acquaint school students with Ramayana, Mahabharata and the biographies of saints. The organisation believes that this will help the values of Indian soil and the values of Chiranjeevi life reach our future leaders. Sanskar Yagya is held in Marathi, Hindi, English and Gujarati languages and the participating schools show stories to the students once a week.
To encourage the students, a written examination is organised at the end of the year and on the basis of the results of the said examination, the student securing first rank in each class is awarded a gold medal.
Mohan Salekar, founder trustee of Sanskriti Samvardhan Pratishthan, said, “Students belonging to Islam and Christianity religions also participate enthusiastically in these examinations. Many of those students are were successful in getting gold medals. This Sanskar Jyoti, which started from Maharashtra, is now shining in 21 states of the country.”