Bengaluru, January 16: A tragic incident occurred in Bengaluru, where a 24-year-old woman, Suhasi Singh, who worked for a well-known IT company, died by self-immolation after allegedly being harassed by her uncle, Praveen Singh. The woman claimed that her uncle had private and intimate videos of her and was using them to harass her.

As per reports from Deccan Herald, the incident occurred on Sunday (January 12) at around 8 PM, at a hotel near the Kundalahalli area in Bengaluru. Suhasi used petrol to set herself on fire. She was rushed to the hospital after she suffered burn injuries. Despite efforts to save her, she succumbed to her injuries.

Accused Uncle Arrested

Following the incident, the police arrested her uncle Praveen Singh. Reports indicate that Suhasi and her uncle had met at the hotel allegedly to sort out the matter. During the investigation, the police recovered a pen drive from Praveen's possession, which is now being analysed for evidence.

The case falls under the jurisdiction of the HAL Police Station. Authorities are currently awaiting further forensic results to gather more details about the case.

Similar Incident In Telangana

In another incident, a couple burnt themselves alive while sitting inside a car in Telangana. The couple reportedly took the extreme step over blackmail and harassment over private photos by their relative. The couple mentioned in their suicide about their relative blackmailing them over intimate photos. The witnesses claimed that the man ran out of the car while on fire, however, the girl was burnt alive while sitting on the front seat of the car.

The incident has raised concerns about harassment and exploitation and has sparked discussions about the need for stricter measures to prevent such tragedies.