Encounter specialist Daya Nayak was spotted at Saif Ali Khan's Bandra residence after the actor was stabbed multiple times earlier on Thursday. The Mumbai cop was seen at the location along with his team of policemen. Daya Nayak sported a very 'macho' personality during his visit to the actor's residence. Visuals captured the well-built officer walking with gun in his pockets, rolling up his sleeves and getting into action in the stabbing case.
Daya Nayak spotted at Saif Ali Khan's residence
A series of videos posted by an entertainment news platform 'Voompla' filmed Mumbai's famed cop, Daya Nayak, at Saif Ali Khan's residence. Instead of the Khaki uniform, he wore a black t-shirt and denim pant, in which he carried his police gun. One of the videos showed the police officer walking with the gun in one of his pockets and his hand in other.
The cop was seen speaking to fellow authorities at the spot.
Daya Nayak was surrounded by reporters and cameramen during his visit to the residence, however, he didn't encourage media interaction. Journalists kept throwing questions at the cop, but he remained tight-lipped. After the inspecting and the spot and interacting with few people at the actor's residence, he rushed to his car and left.
Saif Ali Khan stabbing case
On Thursday, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times during an alleged robbery attempt at his residence in Bandra, Mumbai. The accused broke into Khan's upscale apartment and attacked him using a knife.
According to reports, the Mumbai Police has identified the accused in his case and are taking efforts to his arrest. It was stated that the accused used a fire escape staircase to enter the actor's residence.
Meanwhile, the health of the actor is in recovery mode and completely out of danger. Lilavati Hospital doctor Nilesh Dange told news agency PTI, Khan is expected to be shifted out of the ICU on Friday morning.
Who is Daya Nayak?
Daya Nayak is known for his remarkable work in the police services. He is referred to as Mumbai's encounter specialist cop since he made the headlines for killing two gangsters affiliated with the Chhota Rajan gang in an encounter in Mumbai's Juhu during the 1990s. Till date, the dare devil cop has conducted over 80 encounters.