A hit-and-run case has surfaced from the Raebareli district of Uttar Pradesh, where a speeding car hit a total of four people, two people riding on a bike and two pedestrians. The vehicle was running with one of its doors open on the Raebareli-Prayagraj Highway. Chilling visuals recorded the recklessly driven car on camera.
Visuals from UP accident surface
The video showed two riders fall on the roadside reportedly after the car hit their bike. When the locals were trying to help the bikers after the accident, the vehicle took a U-turn and drove on the road again. However, it didn't stop to inspect the situation and the condition of the injured people. The car drive ran away with the vehicle from the spot without showing any concern towards the affected individuals.
Liquid splashed on locals stopping car's escape
The car drove with a great speed and filled the streets with its roaring noise. When a few people tried to run behind the four-wheeler and stop it, a person seated inside was seen throwing some liquid at them.
The video captured a person onboard trying to stop locals from chasing the car that hit people and left them injured. The passenger forcefully splashed water-like liquid from the car's window and escaped.
1 killed in Raebareli hit-and-run case
A 67-year-old man was declared dead in the accident, while others sustained injuries. The deceased was identified as Nazir Maulana. BJP state secretary Abhijat Mishra and his companion Bhanu Tiwari were injured while trying to help the riders who fell off the bike when the car hit them.
Police investigation underway
The local Mill Area police station took note of the accident that happened on Wednesday night near the Pragatipuram area of the state and started an investigation. SHO Rajeev Singh told news agency PTI that the deceased's body had been sent for postmortem.