Bollywood actress Raveena Tandon wished Saif Ali Khan a speedy recovery, hours after he underwent surgeries at Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital. He was stabbed by a robber who entered his Bandra residence in the wee hours of Thursday (January 16). Saif sustained multiple serious injuries and doctors have stated that they treated the spinal injury and also performed plastic surgeries on the actor's hand and neck, where he was stabbed.
Taking to her official social media accounts on Thursday, actress Raveena, who was also involved in an altercation with several people in Bandra in June 2024, stated that the residential area is not 'safe' anymore.
She also urged authorities to take stronger security measures. "Targeting celebrities and soft targets in what used to be a safe residential area has become rampant, with Bandra losing out to unruly elements, accident scams, hawker mafia, encroachers, land grabbers and criminal elements racing on bikes phone and chain grabbing," she wrote on social media.
Raveena added, "Need stronger measures. Wishing you a speedy recovery #Saif."
Earlier today, actress Karishma Tanna, who is Saif's neighbour, called the burglary attack on him 'scary'. Speaking about the incident, Karishma also revealed she has long advocated for increased security in their area. "This is a wake-up call for stand-alone buildings in Bandra," she told ETimes, also urging better-trained watchmen.
Attacks on high-profile people in Bandra
In July 2024, actor Salman Khan's residence, located in the same celebrity-heavy area, was targeted when two shooters allegedly associated with the Lawrence Bishnoi gang fired at his home. Following the attack, Salman increased security at his apartment by installing bulletproof glass and electric fencing.
In October 2024, former Maharashtra minister and NCP leader Baba Siddiqui, a close associate of Salman, was shot dead outside his son's office in Bandra. The attackers were reportedly linked to the Lawrence Bishnoi gang.
Attack on Saif Ali Khan
The intruder fled after the incident at Saif's 12th-floor residence in the Satguru Sharan building, Bandra. The actor’s representatives termed it an 'attempted burglary'.
Following surgery, Saif’s team stated he is out of danger, recovering under medical supervision, and the police investigation is ongoing.
Dr Nitin Dange of Lilavati Hospital briefed the media after Saif's successful surgery and stated, "He has suffered major injury in the spinal cord due to a lodged knife in the spine. Surgery was performed to remove the knife and repair the leaking spinal fluid."
He further informed, "Two other deep wounds on his left hand and one on the neck was repaired by plastic surgery."
Meanwhile, several celebrities like Jr NTR, Pooja Bhatt, Chiranjeevi, Neil Nitin Mukesh and Ravi Kishan have wished Saif a speedy recovery.