Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked at his residence in Mumbai's Bandra in the wee hours of Tuesday in a robbery bid. The actor, who was gravely injured in the attack, was reportedly rushed to the hospital by his 8-year-old son Taimur Ali Khan and his caretaker post the incident.

Saif was taken to the Lilavati Hospital around 3 am, and he is currently undergoing surgery for his wounds. Dr Niraj Uttamani, COO of Lilavati Hospital, said in his official statement, "Saif Ali Khan was attacked by an unidentified person at his house. He was brought in at 3:00 am by his son Taimur Ali Khan along with their caretaker."

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He further detailed, "He has 6 wounds by sharp objects like knife etc of which 2 wounds are deep and one close to his spine. A small piece of foreign body close to the spine is identified. He is currently undergoing surgery under Dr Nitin Dange, Consultant Neurosurgeon, Dr Leena Jain, Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Dr Nisha Gandhi, Consultant Anaesthesiologist, Dr Kavita Srinivas, Intensivist, and Dr Manoj Deshmukh Consultant Radiologist. The extent of the damage will be understood once the surgery is completed."