Mumbaikars were left sweltering on Wednesday as the city witnessed a hot day with low winds that added to the humidity. According to the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) weather observation report of January 15, the maximum temperature recorded at Santacruz observatory was 35.4 degrees Celsius, which was 4.2 degrees Celsius above normal, and the minimum temperature recorded was 20.3 degrees Celsius, which was 3.3 degrees above normal. It also marked one of the hottest January days in Mumbai.

On January 3, Mumbai sizzled at 36 degrees Celsius, recording the hottest January day since 2016. The warmest January day recorded in Mumbai was in 2006, at 37.4 degrees Celsius.

However, citizens need to brace for a warmer January as the disturbed westerly winds are most likely to increase the mercury in the city in the next couple of days. “The maximum temperature in Mumbai dropped to 31 degrees Celsius on Wednesday later in the day. But the mercury is most likely to rise in two days due to changes in winds. The city is witnessing humidity, and hazy skies leading to poor visibility because of calm winds,” IMD Mumbai Director Sunil Kamble said. For the next 48 hours, the skies will continue to be partly cloudy with haze.

As per Santacruz Observatory’s weekly weather report, from January 15 to January 21, the minimum temperature in the city will range between 19 and 21 degrees Celsius and the maximum temperature will range between 33 and 35 degrees Celsius. The island city is witnessing warmer weather this month with temperatures higher than usual January mercury.

With the calm winds and hazy skies, the Air Quality Index (AQI) of Mumbai shows negligible improvement on Wednesday. The AQI remained under ‘Moderate’ category. As per the Central Pollution Control Board recording some of the areas with comparatively poorer AQI on Wednesday were:
Chhatrapati Shivaji Intl. Airport T2 (172), Byculla (178), Ghatkopar (159), Sion (160), Vile Parle West (162), Navi Nagar-Colaba (161), Borivali East (162), Sion (160), BKC (146)